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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Wed, 28 Apr 1999 06:01:18 +1000

Re: KGI does independent multihead

Marcus Sundberg writes:

>  My current XGGI tree runs fine in 1bpp, except that the bit ordering
>  is wrong on my CL5430 card. Unfortunately I don't yet know how to tell
>  the server that it should use reverse ordering - or even if it's
>  possible without major hacking.

I think it's the "BitmapBitOrder" thing in Xlib.h (being either MSBFirst
or LSBFirst -- noticeable in the output of `xdpyinfo' IIRC).  Something
like this (pseudo-code) :

    if (some_option == "-highbitright") {
    	BitmapBitOrder(display) = LSBFirst;

might work.  Hope that helps.

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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