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  To  :
  Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 14:15:10 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: GgiPuts and Co...

Hi !

> I was just looking at the ggiPuts sources...
> I saw that the character/string output is rather minimalistic...

Yes. ggiPuts is intended as some kind of "emergency fallback".

You should not try to read 8x8 fonts at 1600x1200 .-).

> I was wondering if it could be a Good Thing (TM) that one could use
> tranparently some rasterizing libs like freetype engine or t1lib engine 
> to output some texts on the screen.


Someone should write a LibGFE (general font extension) for LibGGI.

C'mon - it's not hard. Someone make up an API proposal for it.

If needed, I even volunteer to set up an extension tree for it. Should 
be pretty trivial, as few targets will accelerate drawing fonts.

> Should'nt be so hard to do.

Yes. Though having a nicely working LibGGI2D and LibBSE (pun intended :-)
aka Bob-and-Sprite-Extension might help for drawing curves and caching

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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