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  From: Charles Briscoe-Smith <>
  To  : Brian S. Julin <>
  Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 12:51:26 +0100

Re: Tested beta 2 debian packages (fwd)

In message <>,
"Brian S. Julin" writes:
>The new libggimisc is installed (correctly?) with version 1.0.0, and 
>the link correctly points to that file.  However,
>the link points to
>This caused a segfault when I added libGGIMisc support into 

I found the problem here.  I changed the package name from libggi1 to
libggi2 when libggi's soname was bumped up, but libggimisc's soname went,
for some reason, from 1.4.99 -down- to 1.0.0.

Since libggimisc is in the same package as libggi, this means that
libggi1 and libggi2 contain overlapping files.  This is not a good
thing...  Probably, you installed libggi2, then upgraded or reinstalled
libggi1.  That would leave a muddle of the two packages on the system.
Then you'd've removed libggi1, leaving holes in libggi2.  ldconfig may
have added to the mess by creating symlinks that dpkg doesn't know about.

Could libggimisc's soname be bumped back up to at least 1.4.99?  Perhaps
making it 1.0.0 was a typo, and it was meant to have been changed to
2.0.0, along with libggi?  What was intended here?

There are other overlapping files, unfortunately.  /etc/ggi/* overlap.
/usr/lib/ggi/* overlap.  I think the easiest solution is for me to make
libggi1 and libggi2 conflict, so that you'll have to remove libggi1
completely before installing libggi2.  I know this isn't good for
upgrading, but the libggi1 .debs did have a big "pre-beta" warning on
them, so I'm not too worried about breaking binaries people have compiled
against libggi1.

I don't suppose the target libs or defaults libs are compatible between
libggi1 (from 991030) and libggi2 (now)?  Just thought I'd ask...

Seems I slipped up rather badly with the packaging there.  Sorry!

Charles Briscoe-Smith
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