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  From: Jim Kjellin <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Tue, 27 Apr 1999 13:03:45 +0200

RE: G200 Drivers

Exist: yes, working: kindof, usable: a big N-O here.

Lack of suidkgi makes makes development slow since hunting bugs
requires a renboot each time :/.

It should be usable within a reasonable time-frame though
(non-accelerated at start)

--- Jim Kjellin

Does there exist any KGI drivers for Matrox G200?
I'd like to run it on a patched kgi kernel, either the old 0.09 or
steffens latest 0.9 (if that is finished enough to boot with gfx).

Kgicon driver might work to, shouldn't be any problem using them in kgi
0.09. Or am i totaly wrong on this?

/ Alex

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