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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 24 Apr 1999 23:01:21 -0400

Matrox G-200 info.

a few people (or maybe just one person many times) has said there is no 3d
programming information in the matrox documentation.

I would just like to clarify that it is, indeed in there. They have code for
drawing z-buffered, texture mapped, guraud shaded triangles and trapezoids
(trapezoids are kinda useless IMHO, although I guess you could use them to
tesselate a polygon more efficiently or something to that effect)

check out page 424 and page 425 for the registers in the PDF file (4-25 and
4-26) to get the values. It isn't very well written IMHO (poor description
of triangle setup from what I see, they don't even describe how to get the
texture coords that well..)

They did seem to leave off all documentation for their WARP registers (it
refers to a chaper 6, which doesn't exist, and topics which don't exist).
They also claim to have a triangle setup engine, which might be what these
are for.

Anyways, just did a little browsing of the nearly 600 pages that make up
their spec (I swear that I've never seen that much documentation for one
video chip,even an integrated one) and thought I'd offer a heads-up

-David Waite

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