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  To  :
  Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 19:52:51 +0200 (MEST)

Re: no display-fbcon device

Hi !

> I'm running debian 2.1 slink with kernel 2.2.5. Framebuffer support is
> compiled into my kernel. I've properly installed libggi beta2 the 
> appropriate libgii and svga wrapper. But when I try to start ggiheretic 
> on console it says that display-fbcon can't open the framebuffer device 
> because it's missing. 

What do GGI_DEBUG=255 and strace say ?

> ggiheretic is suid 

This is _NOT_ recommended. Create a trusted group that can access the
/dev/fb and either put users into that group or make the apps setgid.

> und there are devices /dev/fb[0-8].
> What's wrong?

Permissions ? Mode ? Ggiheretic insists on 320x200 unless -scale is given.

> Must I install kgicon? That seems no possible for my video card. I've got
> a matrox mystique, but it's not a mga1064 or whatever is detected by
> make config. 

AFAIK Mystique should work. Send us the sysinfo output.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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