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  From: Steve Cheng <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 15:31:24 -0400 (EDT)

Re: aalib target

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Niklas Höglund wrote:

> > 	It would require the AAlib target to overload ggiPutchar() and
> > friends, right?  I think this is possible.
> The problem is what to do when someone uses ggiPutc() on a coordinate
> that isn't on a text line, but "between" two.

The larger problem is that while you can put arbitrary text on AAlib's
text buffer and have it displayed, if you render (ggiFlush(), etc.)
the contents of the pixel framebuffer (which can only contain an image
of the text), then the text will be overwritten.  You can't possibly
keep track of it.

Steve Cheng

www: <>;

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