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  From: David L. Bilbey <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 11:11:06 -0400 (EDT)

SVGAlib wrapper

I installed the SVGAlib wrapper for GGI in hopes that it would run the few
programs that I run via SVGAlib (a couple of emulators and one pacman
clone), however I've had problems and I would like to uninstall the
wrapper.  The README states that uninstallation is as simple as `rm
/usr/lib/libvga*.ggi`, so I tried that.  I also ran ldconfig just to make
sure everything was going to recognize the old SVGAlib libraries again.
However, I still get the error concerning calling the SVGAlib target from
the SVGAlib wrapper.  It seems as if my programs are still attempting to
use the wrapper.  Why?  Thanks in advance.


p.s.  I also tried a make uninstall in the SVGAlib wrapper source
directory...that seemed to work fine, but also had no effect.

"One of the bad things about panning for gold is maybe sometimes you'll
get a crawdaddy in your pan, and you start to wonder if you should give up
on the gold and just go for crawdaddies.  I can't make that decision for
you."  --Jack Handey

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