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  From: Armin Wegner <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 14:47:05 +0200

no display-fbcon device


I'm running debian 2.1 slink with kernel 2.2.5. Framebuffer support is
compiled into my kernel. I've properly installed libggi beta2 the appropriate
libgii and svga wrapper. But when I try to start ggiheretic on console
it says that display-fbcon can't open the framebuffer device because it's
missing. ggiheretic is suid und there are devices /dev/fb[0-8].
What's wrong?

Must I install kgicon? That seems no possible for my video card. I've got
a matrox mystique, but it's not a mga1064 or whatever is detected by
make config. The number is higher. Nevertheless I've compiled it.
But insmod kgicon.o stones my system after printing some version numbers
for drivers followed by some rubbish characters. My matrox isn't support,
is it?


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