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  From: Jim Kjellin <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1999 13:39:02 +0200

State of the (art?) progress :)

Got the G200 driven by kgicon "working" last night, it is heavilly based on
previous matrox drivers so I've most likelly done something illegal.

It detects the card and initializes it but detects no video-modes :/, maybe
it's time to implement kgim_chipset_check_mode? ;)

suidkgi does not compile (include errors) with the 2.2.3 kernel.
kgi in general does not compile without adding __SMP__ to kgi.h and

Changing to a non-smp kernel fixes the latter but i dont feel like
my compiles times by 100%, is there anything done to patch this thing?
(What should be done is check if the kernel is __SMP__ and then compile
with an __SMP__ definition, this is all beyond me btw :P)

It's a PITA to develop a driver when you have to reboot each time you
insmod it (but most of you probably already knows this).

--- Jim Kjellin

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