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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  : GGI mailing list <>
  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 19:48:03 -0400 (EDT)

Re: EvStack mailing list and archives

> And I suppose the EvStack list 
> stuff should go into the archives - there never was much traffic on that 
> list anyway.  

Yeah all the news went on the ggi list instead.

> Sigh... I *still* think that GGI Console is a good idea and 
> someday the idea of embedding a message switching fabric in the kernel 
> and userspace is a great way to organize the whole console system.  Oh well.

What do you think I have been doing? Basically I'm working with my fbcon
patch and the input linux guys to develope a new console system. This
console system is really GGI console. The big difference between what I'm
doing and GGI console is 

1) It seperates the console system from the idea of a head.
2) Evstack worked on a tree structure. While it giving incredable
   flexablility it also gave incredable complexity. So I went from the
   tree structure to a link list. A link list of heads. Another big
   difference is why I see VT and real heads in a multiheaded system. I
   looked and said hey the only difference between a VT and a true head is
   a true head is a active head and a VT head is a inactive head. Say for
   a single headed system. Its one real head and a bunch of VT's. the
   thing is that only on VT can be active at a time. To use another VT
   you switch to another head or make the head you where on inactive and
   the VT your going to becomes active. 

So that idea of GGI console didn't die but is reborn in a new way.

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