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  From: James Simmons <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 19:32:39 -0400 (EDT)

Re: living up to name?

On Thu, 22 Apr 1999, Jonathan Mille wrote:

> Well, this is intresting, I had no idea anyone was even using these lists
> at all. It doesn't look like there's a huge amount of action going on over
> there but people are subscribed.
> Last thing I heard you all were overly unintrested in what I set up. If
> there are any questions/comments or anything at all that you'd like
> answered about the list, I'm the person that you'd need to talk to.
> I'm just overly confused. Someone please fill me in.

Well you have to ask yourself. Who is working on libggi3d? Right now very
few people are. Also kgi is being worked on by very few people as well.

James Simmons                             Seeing is deceiving.  It's
System Admin EdgeNet Inc                  eating that's believing.
Linux Kernel Developer                    -- James Thurber          

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