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  From: Timothy MacDonald <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 16:14:53 +0000

GGI 3d cube, glide target, and xggi

Hello GGI people,

I am a sys-admin working for a large commercial software company ( we
develop on unix platforms ). We are having an internal developer's
conference and I have taken the opportunity to fight the good fight,
push Linux!  I am giving a presentation on Linux and as part of that
presentation I would like to demo some GGI stuff. This is where you guys
come in. If you would be kind enough to answer some I questions I would
really appreciate it. First off lemme give you a rundown of my system:

Dual Pentium Pro 200
128 Megabytes EDO ECC ram
Matrox Millenium I   ( the original millenium )
Voodoo2 Reference Board

Redhat 5.2
Linux Kernel 2.2.5
    I have compiled in fbcon support and manually set support for all
    I HAVE NOT installed kgicon
Beta2 release of GII and GGI
XGGI 1.6

I have succesfully run all ggi demos on both the fbdev and x targets.

Ok so here are my questions:

1. whenever I run XGGI on the console it comes up but in VERY low
resolution, and with very few colors ( I am guessing 16 color max ). I
have tried feeding it a "modes" command line option as follows:

 xggi -modes 1024x768[C16/16]

This changes things definatly, but for the worse. The display becomes
garbled and unreadable. It looks as though it is trying write too much
data into a very small framebuffer ( This isn't the case I don't think,
but that is what it LOOKS like ).  I tried defining a mode with the help
of the ggiParseMode man page but it says that it is out of date and
invalid. Could I get a hint on what to do here? BTW xggi works great
when I run it on an X target.

2. Is it possible for me to run the amazing 6 sided cube desktop thing
on a glide target? I.E. can I run cube3d on a glide target and start up
a 4 headed x server and two nixterms on the cube?

3. In general what suggestions do you guys have for demoing ggi?

Thanks alot,

    Timothy MacDonald
    Unix System Administrator
    Landmark Graphics
    Houston, TX

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