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  From: Ketil Froyn <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 17:07:15 +0200 (MET DST)

2 questions

I'm a newbie with GGI (just joined the list). I'm sorry if these
questions have been answered before, but I couldn't search the
archives, and it was a bit too much to read.
I'd like to know if there is accellerated support for Matrox
Millenium, and how far on the way multiheading support has come. Is it

Oh, and I just thought up another question that has probably been here
before :)
Is there any noticeable difference in speed between XFree86 and XGGI?
(XGGI is the GGI X server, right?) 

Ketil Froyn
He who Laughs, Lasts.

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