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  From: Paul Sargent <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1999 13:42:23 +0100

RE: (fwd)

When potato is frozen a lot of new and improved packages like the newer
libGGI's, kernel 2.2.x, etc. This will make it easier for people to play
with things. I must admit I'm only just getting to grips with Debian, and
I'm finding that because the Debian packages often differ from the normally
released versions (Debian specific patches, etc) it's often better to wait
for a official Debian package of something, rather than try to roll your
own. It depends on what you use your machine for though - Does it need to be
stable or don't you mind if you make a complete hash of it?

A prime example is Kernel Compiles. I still haven't sussed the Debian way,
and I've been a Linux Junky for about 6-7 years now.


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	talos []
> Sent:	Thursday, April 22, 1999 6:18 AM
> To:
> Subject:	Re: (fwd)
> >
> >
> > Debian's an excellent distro, unfortunately that makes the users a
> > little spoiled;  They are more likely to play with something if they
> > can get it running in under 20 minutes.  Things will improve a lot when
> > potato gets frozen -- ...
> What will improve ?
> --
>                                                 // talos / AINT

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