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  To  : mailing list GGI <>
  Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 22:00:17 +0200 (MEST) (fwd)

Hi folks !

Our friendly Debian packager, Charles Briscoe-Smith, notified me of some
small problems with our code we should rectify:

>  - None of the Debian binary or source packages on
>    are readable.  If you haven't had any complaints about this, that
>    might mean there's little point my uploading anything more :(

Does noone download them there ? I have forgotten to change the perms,
but didn't get complaints for that time ... :-).

>  - I tried packaging up ggi-docs (which is the stuff from degas/doc)
>    but found that none of the documents there seem to have copyright or
>    licence notices.  Could you add (or ask the documents' authors to
>    add) copyright and licence notices?  (I'd suggest using the licence
>    the FSF uses for its documentation.)  Alternatively, a single
>    combined copyright/licence document covering all of them would do
>    (and might even be more managable for me...)

I do not care about the license and forthose parts written by me,
I grant them to the public domain.

Other author's opinions, please.

>  - A minor niggle: on your demo programs (in lib/libggi/programs and
>    lib/libggidemos) you put a copyright notice, followed by a grant to
>    the public domain.  But that seems self-contradictory, since "public
>    domain" means "not copyrighted".

Yes - I always forget that :-). Fixed it.

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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