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  From: Charles Briscoe-Smith <>
  To  : Joseph Carter <>
  Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1999 19:21:23 +0100

Re: Tested beta 2 debian packages

Joseph Carter wrote:
>On Tue, Apr 20, 1999 at 12:00:03PM -0400, Brian S. Julin wrote:
>> Why does svgalib1-libggi2 depend on svgalibg1?
>because it has to be there to get diverted...  That could change though I

Actually, it's because svgalibg1 contains libvgagl, which
svgalib4libggi doesn't.  svgalib1-libggi2 depends on svgalibg1 to get
the vgagl library, but has to divert the "real" libvga out of the way.
svgalib4libggi used to contain a verbatim copy of libvgagl's source
code, and at that time, svgalib1-libggi1 "conflicted" and "replaced"

It's actually set up like this:

  /usr/lib/ -> libvga.1.0.0            (the real svgalib)
  /usr/lib/ -> libvga.1.4.99         (ggi svgalib wrapper) you can link against -lvga and the linker gets pointed to
the 'real' svgalib.  However, when programs are run, they get linked
against ggi's svgalib wrapper.

>genkgi is used for fbdev too.  I had to build and install it manually as

I haven't got kgicon working properly on my box yet.  When I do, I'd
like to make a kgicon-source kernel modules package and a kgicon-dev
development package with the appropriate includes, then I can start
having libggi build the genkgi target lib.  (Just don't expect this
particularly soon.)

I tried building kgicon last night...  My graphics card is a S3 Trio 64
(Diamond Stealth 64 DRAM).  My kernel is v2.2.6 with vesafb compiled
in, but not actually working, because the DS64 doesn't have VBE2.0.
Before inserting kgicon.o, /proc/fb is empty.  I built kgicon for plain
vanilla vga, and generic monitor.  On inserting the module, the screen
goes weird; very large characters, 4-scanline interlaced.  The console
is obviously working fine, as I can use it even though I can only see
the top left hand corner.

Each character is displayed very large; only 10 chars across the screen
by 6.25 down.  A given character is displayed on every fourth
scanline.  The char at 0,0 is on scanlines 0, 4, 8, 12 etc.  The char
at 20,0 is displayed in the same place, but on scanlines 1, 5, 9, 13

Any ideas what the problem might be?  Have I missed something obvious?


Charles Briscoe-Smith
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