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  Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 17:23:57 +0200 (MET DST)

Re: phere download fixed.

Hi !

> > TNX ! Funny game in deed.
> Funny?  Is that good or bad? :)

Good. I liked the way the tank "feels" when moving. You can sort of feel
the terrain.

> > Pretty preformant as well. I once wrote something similar for very old
> > boxes, which due to the missing computing power wasn't as action-prone.
> I'm not sure what you mean by "preformant"... was it fast or slow? :)

It was pretty fast for me. Might vary on slower boxes. PII-266 here.

The only thing I'd like better would be a less birdeye like view. I tried the
a/q controls, and got the problem that the tank would disappear at the upper
screen boundary at the level of perspective i liked.

Some correction in that area would be good, so that I can use the more 
"grounded" view that I like, while others might want to use a more 
birdseye perspective.

> Good. Maybe you could give me some input about weapon control ideas.
> I plan to be able to control the angle of firing on the XY (ground)
> plane, but it may become too complicated if you can also point up and down.

It already is complicated if you move in one direction and shoot to another.
That's more confusing than shooting at different elevantions.

IIRC bomb3d had movement of the tank on the numpad, while the turret was
controlled with the cursor keys.

One could make that nicely configureable with LibGIC, but LibGIC needs a 
little more work before one can call it production quality.

> I'd like to make having higher ground have some sort of advantage, to
> add more strategy to positioning.

Yes. Higher ground has advantages and disatvantages. You have a longer reach,
but you are also more visible to the enemy.

> > I think movement is pretty quick compared to the bullets in your game, but
> > well, that might be a question of taste.

> Yes, all of those variables will be tweaked once it's semiplayable.

O.K. - I think both versions might be interesting, and one could even 
resort to having different vehicles from which to choose, that can
carry more weapons _or_ be faster etc.

> > Hmm - what do we have here:
> Wow.  That's an impressive list of weapons.
> I plan to implement many weapons that act in a similar manner.

O.K. - maybe you got some ideas.

> I forgot to mention that on the page / in the readme, I also really like
> those side shooting games. I've never heard of BOMB, but Scorched Earth
> comes to mind.

IIRC that's pretty much the same as what I call bomb.

> I'd like to see your game... where could I get it?

I'll send you a copy. Though it is for TC 2.0 for DOS using some selfmade
graphics library and pretty ugly coded, as TC limited _source_ file size
to about 60k ...

CU, Andy

Andreas Beck              |  Email :  <>

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