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  From: Jim Kjellin <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Tue, 20 Apr 1999 14:35:57 +0200

RE: matrox/ggi3d/gii

IIRC there was something mentioning trilinear filtering and anistotropic
filtering and AFAIK atleast trilinear requires 3d ;).

--- Jim Kjellin

On Mon, 12 Apr 1999, Sengir wrote:

> hi, some questions/suggestions.

> 2. did matrox release also the 3D-specs of G200? would be great, could
> be the first card with 3d-accelerated ggi3d through kgi...

	I downloaded the specs and I don't see any 3D stuff in there.  2D
polygon-drawing with textures, yes.  3D stuff like perspective correction,
goraud shading, z-buffering, etc - no.  I saw none of that.  Someone 
plase correct me if I missed something, but....

> 3. what's the state of libggi3d? I'm writing a 3d-engine and would love
> to support it.
> (no, it's not commercial, it's a hobby of mine...but maybe it gets
> commercial ;)

	Broken right now.  Not too broken, but broken all the same.  I 
haven't had the time to work on it recently.


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