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  From: Tijs van Bakel <>
  To  :
  Date: 19 Apr 1999 19:57:01 +0200

Re: Doom for ggi flicker

>I have a major flicker problem when I run doom for ggi.  It happens on the
>gun and the menu's and is kind of annoying.  Is this a problem anyone else
>is experiencing and if so how can I fix it?

I had this with the Heretic port running in Svgalib. I suppose the porters
forgot to use the ggimisc-extension to wait for the vertical retrace..

In X11 it works okay, and that way they may have not noticed it being
very annoying. :)

Tijs van Bakel, a.k.a. Smoke of C.R.A.P.
(crapstation irc meeting Tuesday 20th of April)

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