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  From: Brian S. Julin <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 11:36:23 -0400 (EDT)

gspec and fftw problems

gspec doesn't like my fftw debian packages:

checking for fftw_insert in -lfftw... no
Can't locate libfftw. please read README to find out where to

$ grep fftw_insert /usr/include/fftw
fftw.h          fftw_mpi.h      fftw_threads.h
$ grep fftw_insert /usr/include/fftw*

$ ls /usr/lib/libfftw*
/usr/lib/libfftw.a                 /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/                /usr/lib/libfftw_threads.a
/usr/lib/              /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/          /usr/lib/
/usr/lib/libfftw_mpi.a             /usr/lib/

$ dpkg --status fftw2
Package: fftw2
Status: install ok installed
Priority: optional
Section: math
Installed-Size: 966
Maintainer: James A. Treacy <>
Source: fftw
Version: 2.1.1-1
Depends: libc6
Suggests: fftw-dev, mpich
Description: library for computing Fast Fourier Transforms
 This library computes Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in one
 or more dimensions. It is extremely fast. This package
 contains the documentation and the shared version of the fftw
 libraries. To get the static library and the header files you
 need to install fftw1-dev.

Anything else I should check?

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