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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 19 Apr 1999 00:11:59 +0200 (MEST)

Re: 3d programming

Hi !

> i've been out of the graphics programming scene for too long (i lost interest
> in my last project, about last november or so).
> today i decided to start doing something in 3d, i don't know yet, probably a
> version of the game i was writing some time ago in real 3d.
> i know the basics of GGI.. but i've been seeing stuff on GGI3d recently and
> i wanted to know if any releases of it had been made at all, and if there were
> any docs on it. it's either that or OpenGL/Mesa (which i understand a little more
> since i've done trig and more algebra at school).

I don't know about the state of LibGGI3d (Jon ?), but there are quite some 
areas of 3D stuff you could work on with LibGGI.

There is: 
1. LibGGI3D
2. the MesaGGI wrapper/extension that interconnects Mesa and GGI
3. the 3dtk toolkit - the author would really appreciate some help ...

Depends on what you are interested in most:
- Writing some 3D code or porting existing code ? Then choose by the API
you like most.
- Trying new stuff, experimenting with designs and such. That would probably
point to LibGGI3D, eventually a bit to 3dtk.
- Integrating exiting systems to interact nicely. Porting existing code
that has to be adapted to API changes ? That would point to Mesa ...

Well - do as you like :-).

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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