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  From: Sengir <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 19:03:24 +0000


hi, some questions/suggestions.
1. gii should be included e.g. in the ggi-beta releases. bad thing that
users who just want to test ggi have to download a CVS snapshot.
2. did matrox release also the 3D-specs of G200? would be great, could
be the first card with 3d-accelerated ggi3d through kgi...
3. what's the state of libggi3d? I'm writing a 3d-engine and would love
to support it.
(no, it's not commercial, it's a hobby of mine...but maybe it gets
commercial ;)
4. scitech software announces in readme of the display doctor's beta
that they plan to write ggi/kgi-drivers.
anyone knows if they're already working on this?
maybe it would be a good idea if we create a windows-like "KGI-driver
anyone of you knows about windows gfx-card driver-writing? the SDK could
also explain how to port a windows-driver to kgi.

that's it for now...


Irc:   Sengir@IRCnet
ICQ:   9061895

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