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  From: Morten Rolland <>
  To  :
  Date: Sun, 18 Apr 1999 17:39:38 +0000

Re: New ggi program released (and network programming question) wrote:
> > - Require clients to respond with an "I got it" message to
> > important messages over UDP.  Problems: extra complexity,
> > bandwidth overhead (which seems unavoidable no matter what).
> Yes - I'd do that. It's basically what TCP does "under the hood".
> The server keeps track of all clients anyway - right ?
> Well - it has to so it knows where to distribute updates.

Keep in mind that large transfers (maps, voices etc.) would
get transfered a lot faster with TCP unless you roll your
own windowing...  The initial transfers and setup may also
benefit from the much better checksum functions used by
TCP compared to UDP.  One problem could be firewalls, though.
Some block just about every incomming TCP, others don't
particularly like UDP...

- Morten

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