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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 5 Apr 1999 07:44:41 +0200 (CEST)

Re: minor mystiqe issues..

On Sun, 4 Apr 1999, Joe Williams wrote:

> > just realized the mystique code doesn't compile.. 
> > 
> > removing the KGI_MYST_* entris form kgim_chipset_command() fixes this, and
> > everything sees to work after this..
> > 
> > i havn't looked further into this, since i barely use my mystique any
> > more, but it's probably annoyingly simple.
>   I know practically nothing about how kgi works so my word probley
> isn't the best to be trusted.  Disclaimer aside, it appears
> the problem is in kgicon/kgi/include/Matrox/mga1064_main.h on lines
> 49-51 where some IOR and IOC calls make reference to "CHIP" as the
> first parameter, which doesn't seem to be defined anywhere.  Browsing
> the source seems to reveal a possible alternative is "CHIPSET" instead
> of "CHIP", but thats just a guess.  Compiles fine but I end up
> getting a lockup when I insmod the driver(For perhaps different reasons).
> 				Joe Williams
I changed these in my tree, recompiled, and my kgicon works like a charm.
I don't know why your card doesn't work, but I suggest someone with write
permission to the tree changes the CHIP references to CHIPSET


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