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  From: Andrew Apted <>
  To  :
  Date: Sat, 17 Apr 1999 11:15:57 +1000

Re: kgicon troubles - mode switching (and more)

Joseph Carter writes:

>  And would someone please be so kind as to tell me where there is
>  documentation on the blasted kgicon cursor?!  This blinky white block has
>  gotten at best QUITE annoying.  =>  Make it a blinky underline or make it
>  a solid block, the blinky block is driving me bats!  That and I remember
>  the solid yellow from ages past and kinda miss it.  =>
Read /usr/src/linux/Documentation/VGA-softcursor.txt.  I've got the
following line in my /etc/init.d/boot file to set a nice solid blue
cursor when booting:

  for i in 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8; do echo -ne '\033[?17;25;0c' > /dev/tty$i; done

Works both on vgacon and framebuffer devices (including kgicon) BTW.

                                               \  /
  Andrew Apted   <>      \/

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