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  From: talos <>
  To  :
  Date: Thu, 15 Apr 1999 21:15:46 +0200

GGI compilation error

Hi, I might be mailng to the wring list but look at this letter kindly.
So, I thought I'd give GGI a shot since it seems to be a good idea with
a "Grafic wrapper" for all kinds of libs (svgalib, X etc...)
Anyway I try to compile a simple test program that does nothing more
than go into a screen mode and exit.
But (becouse there is no "Programmers Guide"???) it don't quite work.
I tried using this ggiSetGraphMode(); but since I have no idea of what
ggi_visual_t holds I can't realy send any
parameters. I looked in all doc:s on your homepage and in the
/usr/man/man3 and even done a cat /usr/include/ggi/* |grep ggi_visual_t.

But with no luck.
Maybe I have some kind of dumb version or something. I run debian 2.0
and have used Dselect to download the latest ggi libs and all the devel
Please somebody help me here. Is it supposed to take 2 days to figure
out howto go into a gfx mode?
Back to SVGALIB?


                                                // talos / AINT

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