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  From: Moses DeJong <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:01:00 -0500

About the ggiplay program.

I tried your ggiplay program and I was able to get it compiled under
Solaris but I could not find any mov files that it would run. Every
file I tried gave me a "codec not supported" error. I had a little
trouble compiling because the Makefile did not include things like
where to find the lib and include files and so on. Could you add
this patch to your Makefile to fix those problems?

--- copy_Makefile       Tue Apr 13 20:34:47 1999
+++ Makefile    Tue Apr 13 20:56:53 1999
@@ -1,13 +1,16 @@
 ############### BCBASE
+QUICKHOME = ../quicktime4linux/src
+GGIHOME = ../install
 CC = gcc
 CFLAGS=-Wall -pedantic -O2
 all: ggiplay
 ggiplay: ggiplay.o
-       $(CC) -Wall -o ggiplay ggiplay.o ../src/quicktime.a -ljpeg -lggi -lm
+       $(CC) -Wall -o ggiplay ggiplay.o $(QUICKHOME)/quicktime.a -ljpeg -L$(GGIHOME)/lib -lggi -lm
        rm -f core

Mo DeJong
gimme multimedia group

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