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  From: David L. Bilbey <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 21:17:55 -0400 (EDT)

S3 Virge

I apologize, if this has been asked, but I just started trying out GGI, and
I've run into a problem that I can't seem to find an answer to.

I have an S3 virge and when I tried to install kgicon, everything seemed to
go fine (4/13/99 snapshot).  However, when I tried 'insmod kgicon.o', the
screen went black, and my monitor kicked in to powersave mode.  The only
thing I could do is a hard reboot. (I also tried the vgadrv.o, but the
resolution went into something weird that I couldn't figure out--what is it
supposed to do?).  Any help, or a pointer to help, would be greatly 
appreciated.  I really like what you guys are doing here, and I'm very
excited to get this working.  Thanks again.

David Bilbey

"One of the bad things about panning for gold is maybe sometimes you'll
get a crawdaddy in your pan, and you start to wonder if you should give up
on the gold and just go for crawdaddies.  I can't make that decision for
you."  --Jack Handey

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