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  From: David Waite <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 19:01:15 -0400

RE: current state of kernel input work?

> - the USB patches impact a lot of the keyboard handling and actually may
> make the independent multihead problem simpler, but do the various ggi
> efforts take advantage (or at least coexist) with the USB/multikeyboard
> patches?

Not from what I've seen with the latest USB patch, although I wasn't able to
get the kbd patch to apply to the 2.2.5 kernel in such a way for hidbp
keyboard support to work (the only keyboard support I know to work right

I to am interested in where the KII stuff is, mostly because I think if that
can get finalized (or another input solution like it comes out) things like
the USB patch will go much smoother.

> I have a web page that discusses some of the hurdles of independent
> multihead and suggests a start at a solution. I'd like to hear your input
> from a ggi perspective. Please have a look:

Unfortunately I only have time to look right now, but it looks nice =)

One requirement I would think would be necessary for nearly *any* multihead
solution would be a default autoconfiguration for added/removed devices. If
you plug in a USB keyboard, it should attach to "something" from the start.
then you can reconfigure it.. same with video devices, mice, joysticks, etc.

Idea being- if you start the computer and have no keyboard, no mouse, and no
monitor (assuming there is a system where you actually can detect that there
isn't any video output available), that you can bring up a working system by
plugging in all the respective devices if they are hot-pluggable.

-David Waite

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