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  From: Brad Midgley <>
  To  :
  Date: Tue, 13 Apr 1999 15:09:08 -0600 (MDT)

current state of kernel input work?


I am trying to work toward independent multihead. I followed ggi-console
for a while but at the time it was incompatible with framebuffers and was
incomplete. I'd like to contribute but at the moment finding out where all
the ggi efforts are is daunting. 

- KGI talks about input processing--is this different from ggi-console? 

- libGII is appealing but apparently kernel changes would need to be made
so individual keyboards could be addressed/assigned.

- using libGII, would keyboard<->display resolution would be handled in

- if ggi-console is separate, does it coexist with fbdev yet?

- the USB patches impact a lot of the keyboard handling and actually may
make the independent multihead problem simpler, but do the various ggi
efforts take advantage (or at least coexist) with the USB/multikeyboard

I have a web page that discusses some of the hurdles of independent
multihead and suggests a start at a solution. I'd like to hear your input
from a ggi perspective. Please have a look:

Brad |

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