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  From: Marcus Sundberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 21:15:06 +0000

Re: Resent from berlin: woo hoo (#2) (fwd)

Graydon Hoare <> wrote:
> (1) whoever wrote GGI's event system: it's not threadsafe, still! I
> can't inject new events into the queue using ggiEventSend without
> corrupting the queue structure; since this is the only reasonable way
> to have 1 thread tell an event-reader it wants to do some drawing,
> we're back to a polling loop. this "grinds my gizzard"

He's right. Originally I thought that threaded applications could
handle this themselves, but then you can't use giiEventSend() while
blocking in giiEventPoll(). The thread safety is a two minute job to
add in, and for speed in singlethreaded apps I propose that we add a
new function:

int giiMTInit(void)
	_gii_threadsafe = 1;

and do the locking like this
if (_gii_threadsafe) ggLock(inp->mutex);
do stuff
if (_gii_threadsafe) ggUnlock(inp->mutex);

However I spotted a more interresting problem - If you call
giiEventPoll() with a NULL timeout from one thread and then call
giiEventSend() from another thread it might be desirable to have
giiEventPoll return and report the event from giiEventSend.
Should we implement this?

        Marcus Sundberg        |
 Royal Institute of Technology |       Phone: +46 707 295404
       Stockholm, Sweden       |   E-Mail:

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