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  From: Jim Kjellin <>
  To  : '' <>
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 11:11:58 +0200


Oh and I read through most of the documentation last night aswell and
it states quite often that Unix only has faked parallelism and that
2 threads never can run at the same time, this is all true for single
cpu systems but 2 or more cpu's in a computer is becoming
more usual than before.

--- Jim Kjellin

> KGICON does not compile for me, there is an error when including
> linux/config.h.
> I managed to track it down to __SMP__ not being defined.
> I hope this is just an oversight and you're not trying to freeze us
> multi-cpu ppl out ;)
> Also when trying to compile the mystique driver it failed at the first
> file
> for some reason
> (it was late so I just gave it up).
> --- Jim Kjellin

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