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  From: Paul Fredrickson <>
  To  :
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 00:16:16 -0700

Compiling Mesa 3.0 for ggi

I've finally got ggi working in a usable configuration and am now looking at
Mesa.  Mesa has a driver for rendering on GGI, but it doesn't compile.
There is a note describing a file which is supposed to update the driver for
the latest version of GGI, but it appears to be empty.  I guess this broke
because the GGI API has changed (did the ggi_visual struct used to have a
"fb" framebuffer member? or a ggiGetInfo() function?  I can't find either.)

My description isn't very detailed, I know.  But how does one query the bit
depth of a ggi_visual? Maybe I could fix it up and submit a patch for Mesa.



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