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  To  :
  Date: Mon, 12 Apr 1999 01:18:42 +0200 (MEST)

Re: XGGI 1.6.0

Hi !

Back from skiing ?

I hope with all limbs, bones and whatnot still in order ?

> > > LibGGI can not set any modes at all!

> This means that SetMode fails even though CheckMode succeeded.

Oh - should have looked in the source.

> Normally this indicates a fatal error, but on the fbdev target this
> is normal as CheckMode always returns success there.
> We should really fix this now.

I have been fixing another annoying behaviour of the fbdev target, while you
were away: As it did not update the timing information, if you requested a
mode different form the startup mode, you usually were not able to set
other modes, except those that were either pretty close to the console mode
or that would otherwise stay within limits of card and monitor.

I have changed the fbdev target to scan /etc/fb.modes and use the timing
information therein when setting modes.

If the mode is not found, it falls back to old behaviour.

Maybe the code is useful for a crude version of checkmode, as one could just
assume that modes that are in /etc/fb.modes do work.

AFAIK that don't-activate-hack in fbcon is unreliable - or ?

CU, ANdy

= Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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