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  From: Johan Karlberg <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 22:17:14 +0200 (CEST)

Re: XGGI 1.6.0

I got these missing genkgi.o's and such too las ttime iI tried the demos,
I was using the recent debian pacakges of both the demos and ggi, however
all the doms seemd to run anyway..

On Thu, 8 Apr 1999 wrote:

> Hi !
> >  I've got some problems to compile libggi-2.0b2 with aa. 
> Yes - libaa detection seems unreliable. It's on the errata list now which
> will become the "fixme" list when Marcus is back :-).
> >  Then I get another problem with XGGI. It doesn't start and break with these
> >  message.
> >  LibGG: unable to open lib: /usr/local/lib/ggi/default/fbdev/kgi/
> This is strange. Is it _only_ XGGI that says so ? Please send GGI_DEBUG=255
> logs. That might shed some light.
> >   Note under the VGA driver, modes bigger than 320x200 do not currently work 
> >   in 8-bit color, and there is no VGA-specific 4-bit renderer. 
> > So, should't I use XGGI with kgicon? 
> You should, but not with the VGA driver, as you are limited to 320x200x8.
> > Which modes can be set for my Millenium I ?  
> Hmm - use either the matroxfb from the kernel, or the Matrox kgicon driver
> (don't know, if it works for a Millenium _I_, though).
> Also make sure you use the setmon tool and a suitable monitor driver
> (generic), so higher than VGA modes are accepted.
> Other than that, only the usual limits to modes should apply.
> CU, Andy
> -- 
> = Andreas Beck                    |  Email :  <> =

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