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  From: David Fries <>
  To  :
  Date: Fri, 9 Apr 1999 00:12:33 -0500

Re: Matrox specifications, bad idea

On Thu, Apr 08, 1999 at 09:32:23PM +0200, Christoph Egger wrote:
> Im am now downloading the latest Matrox specifications for the Matrox
> Mystique, Matrox Millenium I, Matrox Millenium II and for the 
> Matrox Millenium G200. 
> When anyone is interested in for the specifications, feel free to mail me.
> I will sent the specification you whish to you.
> Give me your opinion... :-))
> Christoph Egger
> E-Mail:

Registered correctly or not, it would not be a very good idea from anywhere
you look as far as I'm concerned.  If someone wants the docs, register with
Matrox.  It doesn't take very long.  I had access within a week and they
were listing in the letter they were sorry it took so long.  I don't know
anyone that has been turned away.

It seems to me all they are asking is to know who is getting the docs and
for them to not distribute them.  If they see a lot of people putting down,
working on Linux XXXXX driver, they might give more thought to Linux.

There isn't any reason to go around behind thier backs to give out their
docs when they already give them out and it isn't hard to get.

I would ask you to re-concider your position and not give out or make the
docs available, just put up a web page and say if you want the docs, this
is what you do to get them, 1) register, 2) wait a couple days, 3)

Why not show some respect and honor the agreement you signed up for?
Matrox is doing everyone a favor by making the docs easily available, why
spoil it?

		|      David Fries                |
		|             |

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