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  From: Christoph Egger <>
  To  : GGI-Mailing-Liste <>
  Date: Thu, 8 Apr 1999 21:32:23 +0200 (MEST)

Matrox specifications


Im am now downloading the latest Matrox specifications for the Matrox
Mystique, Matrox Millenium I, Matrox Millenium II and for the 
Matrox Millenium G200. 
When anyone is interested in for the specifications, feel free to mail me.
I will sent the specification you whish to you.

Oh, by the way: I don't know, if this is fair, but:

I had registered me a time ago at Matrox. This time I was going to school.
I had a own e-mail adress. Because of data-security reasons I had
registered me under wrong names, wrong telefonnumber, wrong city, wrong...
etc :-).
Only the e-mail address I had from the school, was right. Since summer
1998 I have leaved the school, and with that the e-mail address doesn't
exist anyway.

In other words: I am registered at Matrox with wrong names and even one 
non-existance e-mail-address!!! :-)
So theoretically I could public "my" login and "my" password! :-)
Matrox can't detect me... :-)

Give me your opinion... :-))

Christoph Egger

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