Common Name Resolution Protocol BOF (cnrp) Tuesday, March 16 at 1300-1515 ============================== Chair: Larry Masinter <> DESCRIPTION: People often refer to things in the world by a common name or phrase, e.g., a trade name, company name, or a book title. These names are sometimes easier for people to remember and enter than URLs; many people consider URLs hard to remember or type. Services are arising that offer a mapping by common name into Internet resources; such resolution services include common names such as company names and trade names. Clients of such services are being built either as enhancements to browsers (through add-ons, plug-ins), or as enhancements to search engines (where common name lookup is one possible response to a more general query.) The BOF will discuss a proposed Working Group charter and an initial proposal for the query protocol. AGENDA: 1) Review of the scope and purpose of the group 2) Review of the proposed charter 3) Discussion of the proposed charter 4) Discussion the query protocol document: draft-popp-protocol-hfn-00.txt