Minutes for XMPP WG meeting, Tuesday, Nov 19

Internationalization Summary: WG seemed to approve of current approach as outlined by Jeremie Miller.  Note that currently client preference is indicated with "xml:lang" but the standard semantic for that is "language of current msg" not "preference for future messages".  Refer to HTTP "Accept-Language" header for full required functionality. 

[Slides: <http://www.jabber.org/ietf/55/jer/>]

Security Summary: Joe Hildebrand outlined proposed components (TLS, SASL, dialback) acknowledging some things are still somewhat sketchy.  Sam Hartman suggested looking at SASL integrity protection.

[Slides: <http://www.jabber.org/ietf/55/joeh/Security55.ppt>]

Relationship with other protocols: Peter Saint-Andre described plans to comply with RFC 2778, RFC 2779.  Attendees emphasized requirement to support CPIM format and other mechanisms from IMPP WG [1].  Robert Sparks presented SIP interaction draft.  One attendee insisted that end-to-end guaranteed delivery was a requirement but there wasn't general agreement.  

[Slides: <http://www.jabber.org/ietf/55/psa/>

Other: There were vague concerned mumblings about proper use of namespaces.

Lisa Dusseault