Remote Direct Data Placement WG (rddp)

Wednesday, November 20 at 1530-1730

CHAIR:  David Black <>

rddp is now an IETF Working Group; this is its second
official meeting.  This WG was the result of the ROI BOFs
in Salt Lake City and Minneapolis.  For more information,
please refer to the rddp charter at:

NOTE: There are no official WG drafts at the present.  The author(s)
        of each draft with agenda time allocated to it request(s) that
        the rddp WG adopt each draft as an official WG work item.       


- Agenda Bashing and Administrivia (5 min)
        - Blue Sheets
        - NOTE WELL
        - WG goals and work items
- Problem Statement and Architecture (20 min)

        These drafts have been revised from the versions used at
        the previous ROI BOFs to match the work of the rddp WG.

- DDP/RDMAP Overview & Goals (10 min)
        The DDP and RDMAP drafts were designed in tandem.  This
        is an overview of what they were intended to achieve and
        how the functionality is divided between them.

- DDP (20 min)

- RDMAP (20 min)

- SCTP mapping (10 min)

- TCP mapping (30 min)

NOTE: Attendees should also read the following two drafts as background
        for the meeting, although no agenda time is allocated to them:

        (1) draft-black-rdma-concerns-00.txt
                Describes concerns that rddp work needs to address.

        (2) draft-culley-iwarp-mpa-01.txt
                An alternative approach to the williams-ift draft
                that requires TCP modifications and hence cannot be
                considered by the rddp WG.  Some discussion of this
                draft and the williams-ift draft is anticipated in
                TSVWG, which meets before RDDP.