Pseudo Wire Emulation Edge to Edge (pwe3)

Thursday, November 21 at 1300-1500

CHAIR: Danny McPherson <>


1300-1310 Administrivia (10 minutes)
   Danny McPherson - Chair

            Agenda Bashing
            Blue Sheets
            WG Document Status 

1310-1325 PWE3 Architecture
  Stewart Bryant <>
 Discussion: 1) Get confirmation that the group is happy with the 
                PLD and framework merge.
             2) Confirm that Ethernet emulation model is right 
                following list discusions ongoing.
             3) Terms documentation strategy (fold into arch)
             4) Last call request which will be echoed on mailing 

1325-1340 PPVPN L2 Signaling
  Eric Rosen <>
 Discussion: Many of the L2VPN  provisioning models being discussed in
             PPVPN can only be supported by "martini signaling" if the
             notion of  "VCid" is generalized.   The main issue  to be
             discussed is  the need  for such generalization,  and the
             secondary   issue   is   the  particular   proposal   for

1340-1350 PW Management Discussion
  "Thomas D. Nadeau" <>
 Discussion: MIB Update.  Discuss MPLS management concerns.
1350-1400 PWE3 TDM Draft
  Shahram Davari <>
 Discussion: 1) The scenarios that TDMoIP would be used,
             2) The case that AAL1/2 is specially designed 
                for TDM emulation
             3) The case for interworking with existing ATM 
                (AAL1) networks
             4) The case for ease of implementing ASAP (Any 
                Service Any Port)

1400-1410 Issues with Control Word & Packet Loss
  "Yaakov Stein" <> 
  Discussion: I would discuss draft-stein-pwe3-controlword-00.txt and quickly 
              explain the present formats and propose that a single format be 
              chosen.  I'll also discuss draft-stein-pwe3-tdm-packetloss-00.txt 
              and I will display a graph of voice quality vs packet loss and 
              packet loss figures, and propose that any TDM draft be tolerant 
              to 1 percent packet loss.

1410-1420 Bi-directional LSPs for classical MPLS
  Rohit Dube <>
 Discussion: I plan to discuss the changes over regular MPLS 
             needed to make bi-directional LSPs available to 
             classical MPLS.

1420-1425 TDM Design Team Update/Discussion
  Tom K. Johnson <>
 Discussion: Intend to inform the WG about any agreements reached by the 
             TDM DT prior to the WG meeting and answer any questions.

1425-1430 Unstructured TDM
  Sasha Vainshtein <>
 Discussion: This is a NEW draft. Hence I plan to discuss the 
             motivation, basic approach, standard issues vs. 
             local issues and the list of FFS issues. Also, 
             perhaps the results of discussion in the TDM 
             Design Team.

1430-1440 Header Compression Drafts
  "Ash, Gerald R (Jerry), ALASO" <>
 Discussion: I'm planning to discuss the following issues: a) PWE3 WG 
             charter extension, b) protocol extensions for cRTP, RSVP-TE, 
             RFC2547 VPNs, c) resynchronization, performance, and 
             applicability of cRTP and 'simple' mechanisms, d) scalability 
             of E2E VoMPLS applied CE-CE, and e) LDP application as the 
             underlying LSP signaling mechanism.  These issues have been 
             further elaborated and discussed on the PWE3 mailing list.

1440-1445  SG13 Activities Regarding X-MPLS Interworking
  "Ghassem Koleyni" <>
 Discussion: I plan to tell them about progress in ATM-MPLS interworking 
             and show them few encapsulation formats that we have agreed 
             which is based pretty much like the draft that Luca has.

1445-1455  Draft Updates
  Luca Martini <>
 Discussion: Changes from draft-martini.
 Discussion: Updated Ethernet encapsulation employing only one mode.
 Discussion: Merging of two proposed designs.

1455-1500 Wrap Up