Packet Sampling WG (psamp) Monday, November 18 at 1930-2200 ================================ CHAIRS: Andy Bierman <> Juergen Quittek <> Internet Drafts: ---------------- (A) A Framework for Passive Packet Measurement (B) Sampling and Filtering Techniques for IP Packet Selection (C) On the Relationship between PSAMP and IPFIX Agenda ------ 1) Announcement on Internet Measurement Research Group (5 minutes) - Introduction of new IRTF group and how it might relate to the PSAMP work 2) WG Status (10 minutes) - Significant progress has been made on the framework and sampling techniques deliverables - Controversial work items not yet started - transport protocol (congestion avoidance) - Other work items not yet started - reporting protocol and report format - MIB for configuration and status 3) PSAMP Framework (45 minutes) Discussion of the Framework document (A) Some minor issues have been raised on the mailing list. Goals: - Establish WG consensus that this document covers all framework issues - Resolve inconsistencies between framework and sampling document wrt/ terminology and concepts 4) Sampling and Filtering Techniques (45 minutes) Discussion of the Sampling and Filtering Techniques draft (B) Goals: - Establish WG consensus that this document covers all sampling issues - Determine if 1 or more detailed standard sampling techniques can and/or should be developed - Determine which aspects of sampling and filtering configuration should be standardized 5) On the Relationship between PSAMP and IPFIX (45 minutes) Discussion of the PSAMP and IPFIX document (C) Potential areas of overlap: - transport protocol - reporting protocol - report contents - security and privacy issues - MIB for configuration Goals: - Gauge WG opinion and consensus on commonality between IPFIX and PSAMP