Open Pluggable Edge Services WG (opes) Monday, November 18 at 1300-1500 ================================ CHAIRS: Marshall Rose <> Markus Hofmann <> AGENDA: - Introduction, minutes taker, blue sheets - Agenda bashing - Discussion of WG documents - Status of documents submitted to IESG - draft-ietf-opes-scenarios-00.txt - draft-ietf-opes-architecture-02.txt - draft-ietf-opes-protocol-reqs-01.txt - Security Threats and Risks for Open Pluggable Edge Services - draft-ietf-opes-threats-00.txt - Requirements for Policy, Authorization and Enforcement of OPES Services - draft-ietf-opes-authorization-00.txt - Summary and wrap up of the ICAP discussion to accompany possible informational publication of that protocol - draft-elson-icap-01.txt - draft-stecher-opes-icap-eval-00.txt - Next WG items to be worked on (main focus of the meeting!) - OPES protocol - Methods for spefification of rules/policies