Intellectual Property Rights WG (ipr) Monday, November 18 at 0900-1130 ================================ CHAIRS: Steve Bellovin <> Rob Austein <> AGENDA: 0900-0905 Agenda-bashing, administrivia 0905-0945 Scott Brader, revised version of "Rights" drafts 0945-1015 Scott Brim, "Scenarios" draft 1015-1115 Open mike* 1115-1130 Where to from here? *The Rights and Scenarios documents are not very contentious. I think that we can wrap up the open issues with them in Atlanta, subject to post-meeting ratification on the mailing list. But the charter also says "If there consensus of the working group for a different IPR policy than the one described in RFC 2026, the working group will seek to amend its charter to make it clear that it is changing the status quo." The open mike session will primarily be dedicated to that question -- do we want to recharter to change our IPR policy? The final 15 minutes will be for assessing the consensus of the WG on our future path.