General Switch Management Protocol WG (gsmp) Thursday, November 21 at 1300-1500 ================================== CHAIRS: Avri Doria <> Kenneth Sundell <> AGENDA: 1. Agenda bashing 2. WG Status 3. WG Document updates Req. for the Dynamic Partitioning of Switching Elements (Avri Doria) Req. For Adding Optical Support To GSMPv3 (Jonathan Sadler) GSMPv3 Base Specification (Avri Doria) GSMPv3 for Optical Support (Jun Kyun Choi) 4. Update of individual drafts Network Management for GSMP Interface (YoungWook Cha) Definitions of Managed Objects for Network Management Services in GSMP Interface (YoungWook Cha) 5. Report from ITU-T G.805 (Jonathan Sadler) -- NOTE: It is not the purpose of a WG session to have presentation of the content of a document. It is assumed that all attendees will have read the drafts in advance of the meeting. For documents that are work-in-progress, the presentation should cover issues resolved since the last draft followed by open issues and controversial topics with the intent to reach a resolution of said issues and topics. For new work items, the presentation should focus on what the problem is and why it is necessary for the work group to address it. Further it should be either shown how it falls within the existing charter or why and how the charter should be extended to encompass it. The solution should only be sketched. The appropriate way of bringing new work to the working group is to send a draft to the mailing list and promoting discussion on the list. Slots on the agenda should be used to discuss outstanding topics that has not be solved on the mailing list. --