Telephone Number Mapping WG (enum)

Monday, November 18 at 1300-1500

CHAIRS:	Patrik Faltstrom <>
	Richard Shockey <>

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1.  RFC2916bis -0x REV - Faltstrom/Mealing  (45 Min)

Status Update..


Agenda NOTE:  The unresolved issues in the WG all relate in one way or another to the structure of the enumservice field and what information should or should not be included and in which order.

In particular I'd like to see a focus on service vs description.

The fundamental goal of the meeting should be to clarify and hopefully settle the issue.

Items 2-4 directly address these issues and 5 provides a marginal perspective.


2.  J.Peterson  ( 15 min )

        Title              : enumservice registration for SIP Addresses-of-Record
        Author(s)       : J. Peterson
        Filename        : draft-peterson-enum-sip-00.txt
        Pages           : 16
        Date              : 2002-10-29

This document registers an ENUM service for SIP (the Session
Initiation Protocol), pursuant to the guidelines in RFC2916bis.
Specifically, this document focuses on provisioning SIP addresses-of-
record in ENUM.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


3.  O. Levin  ( 15 min )

           ENUM Service Registration for H.323 URL
        Author(s)       : O. Levin
        Filename        : draft-levin-enum-h323-00.txt
        Pages           : 4
        Date            : 2002-11-1

The H.323 specification [2] defines a means for building multimedia
communication services over an arbitrary Packet Based Network,
including the Internet. This document registers an ENUM service for
H.323 according to specifications and guidelines in RFC2916bis [3].

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


4.    R. Stastny & Co  on behalf of R. Brandner [ 20 Min ]

        Title           : 'A compendium of enumservice registrations'
        Author(s)       : R. Brandner et al.
        Filename        : draft-brandner-enumservices-compendium-00.txt
        Pages           : 0
        Date            : 2002-9-16

This document includes a basic set of enumservice descriptions that
are intended for use in deployments of ENUM. These descriptions form
a set of enumservice registration requests, as laid out in section 3
of draft-ietf-enum-rfc2916bis-01.txt.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:


5.  R. Shockey  (10 M )

        Title           : Privacy and Security Considerations in ENUM
        Author(s)       : R. Shockey
        Filename        : draft-shockey-enum-privacy-security-00.txt
        Pages           : 12
        Date            : 2002-10-30

Many individuals and groups have expressed concerns about the
privacy and security of personal information to be established in
implementations of RFC 2916. This document discusses some of the
technical as well as security and privacy considerations national
implementations of ENUM should consider.
This is a work in progress. Input from security and privacy
experts is welcome.

A URL for this Internet-Draft is:

I'm looking for additional comments on directions this draft should take


4.    L. Conroy 15 min

The 'enum' URI

We discussed this some in Yokohama but did not come to a definitive conclusion whether this URI was appropriate or some extension to the TEL URL was sufficient.

NOTE on Management issue:  The IPTEL WG has now assumed responsibility for all telephony related URI development including the TEL URL itself.  Whether this draft even remains in the ENUM WG is now an issue. After polling the IPTEL Chairs we can revisit the issues in the ENUM WG due to time constraints...however the proper place for this draft in the future will have to be clarified.

5. Open Discussion ...

A. Reverse ENUM?