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ILU's Use of OMG Vendor Tags

The Object Management Group (OMG) assigns numbers called vendor tags to ORB vendors for various purposes. Some of these tags are as follows:

  • profile tag -- used in an Inter-operable Object Reference (IOR) to identify a particular kind of profile. Interesting values are 0 (the Internet profile), and 1 (the Multi-Component profile).
  • vendor minor code ID (VMCID) -- used in system exceptions to identify different mappings of minor codes; the high-order 20 bits of the minor code is the VMCID, the low-order 12 bits the VMCID-specific error indicator. The VMCID of 0 is unassigned and may be used by anyone.
  • component tag -- used to identify the kind of a component in a Multi-Component profile or in the components element of a Internet profile, in an IOR.
  • service tag -- used to identify the kind of a service context in a GIOP request or reply.
  • ORB ID -- used as the value of a TAG_ORB_TYPE component to identify a particular kind of ORB.
  • As of 8 June 1999, ILU uses the following assigned tags:

  • profile tags 0x494C5500 - 0x494C5507 ("ILU\x00" - "ILU\x07"). 0x494C5500 is used to indicate the ILU profile; this profile has as its value an ILU string binding handle marshalled as a CDR string. Tags 0x494C5501 to 0x494C550F are reserved for future use.
  • ORB type ID tags 0x494c5500 - 0x494c55ff ("ILU\x00" - "ILU\xff"). Reserved for future use with IIOP 1.1.
  • VMCID tags 0x494c0xxx - 0x494cfxxx ("IL\x00\x00" - "IL\xff\xff"). Reserved for future use.
  • component tags 0x494c5500 - 0x494c55ff ("ILU\x00" - "ILU\xff"). Reserved for future use.
  • service tags 0x494c5500 - 0x494c55ff ("ILU\x00" - "ILU\xff"). Reserved for future use.