"SLC6X: applications/internet: mailman

mailman - Mailing list manager with built in Web access

Website: http://www.list.org/
License: GPLv2+
Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
Mailman is software to help manage email discussion lists, much like
Majordomo and Smartmail. Unlike most similar products, Mailman gives
each mailing list a webpage, and allows users to subscribe,
unsubscribe, etc. over the Web. Even the list manager can administer
his or her list entirely from the Web. Mailman also integrates most
things people want to do with mailing lists, including archiving, mail
<-> news gateways, and so on.

Documentation can be found in: /usr/share/doc/mailman-2.1.12

When the package has finished installing, you will need to perform some
additional installation steps, these are described in:


mailman-2.1.12-26.el6_9.3.src [9.0 MiB] Changelog by Pavel Zhukov (2018-03-05):
- Related: #1545967 - Add missed import
mailman-2.1.12-26.el6.src [9.0 MiB] Changelog by Pavel Ĺ imerda (2016-11-16):
- Resolves: #1363835 - /etc/mm_cfg.py is a symlink to /usr
mailman-2.1.12-25.el6.src [9.0 MiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2015-04-22):
- fix CVE-2002-0389 - local users able to read private mailing list archives
mailman-2.1.12-18.el6.src [8.8 MiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2012-07-30):
- fix #834023 - escape From in email body properly
- fix #832920 - fix word-wrap in web front-end
- fix #772998 - fix reset_pw.py script
- fix #799323 - handle urlhost in newlist script
mailman-2.1.12-17.el6.src [8.8 MiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2011-06-24):
- fix #703389 - fixed file permissions in /usr/lib/mailman
- fix #636825 - fix #!/usr/bin/env python shebang in migrate-fhs
- fix #704699 - fixed directories permissions in /usr/lib/mailman
- fix #684622 - do not create and install /etc/mailman/mm_cfg.pyc and pyo files
mailman-2.1.12-14.el6_0.2.src [8.8 MiB] Changelog by Jan Kaluza (2011-02-22):
- fix #677848 - fixed build problem without brew

Listing created by repoview