"SLC6X: applications/internet: lftp

lftp - A sophisticated file transfer program

Website: http://lftp.yar.ru/
License: GPLv3+
Vendor: Red Hat, Inc.
LFTP is a sophisticated ftp/http file transfer program. Like bash, it has job
control and uses the readline library for input. It has bookmarks, built-in
mirroring, and can transfer several files in parallel. It is designed with
reliability in mind.


lftp-4.0.9-15.el6.src [1.3 MiB] Changelog by Michal Ruprich (2018-01-02):
- Resolves: #1487631 - lftp crash when mirroring a repository
lftp-4.0.9-14.el6.src [1.3 MiB] Changelog by Michal Ruprich (2016-12-13):
- Related: #1228484 - lftp hangs after dowloading one file during a mirror
- Related: #1305235 - lftp not following symlinks through sftp
lftp-4.0.9-6.el6_8.4.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Michal Ruprich (2016-12-14):
- Resolves: #1404588 - lftp hangs after dowloading one file during a mirror
lftp-4.0.9-6.el6_8.3.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by mruprich (2016-08-30):
- Resolves: #1371565 - lftp hangs after dowloading one file during a mirror
lftp-4.0.9-6.el6_8.2.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by LuboĹĄ Uhliarik (2016-06-28):
- Related: #1343360 - lftp not following symlings through sftp
lftp-4.0.9-6.el6.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Tomas Hozza (2015-04-01):
- Fix lftp to follow 302 redirect if the new Location is full URL (#928307)
lftp-4.0.9-1.el6_5.1.src [1.2 MiB] Changelog by Jiri Skala (2014-02-03):
- Resolves: #1060718 - lftp crashes with buffer overflow

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